The Summerland Novel by Elizabeth Cheryl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The Summerland was a wonderful novel with all of the necessary ingredients to make it one of my personal favourites: paranormal elements, time travel and a tender love story. I found the historical information fascinating, in fact, I feel like I have a new insight and appreciation for the horror and injustice of the Salem witch trials. Going through the gut-wrenching process with Abigail Parker was so powerful it was as if I went through the trials myself.
Abigail was a brave, caring and smart heroine, William a chivalrous, loyal and lovable hero. This sweet love story was a nice change from the graphic romance novels I've read recently.
With The Summerland, be prepared to be entertained, to be terrified and to fall in love, all while learning about a dark, appalling time in American history. Highly recommended!
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